Monday, August 6, 2007

7 min left of free internet

Ok, the hostel I was at for the past 5 days didn't have internet but I am at a library now on Öland with free access. So, Öland rocks. Yesterday I went to an old viking fort where I got to dress up in clothes from 800 AD and make bread and hear viking sagas. AWESOME!!! Pictures when I can get my own computer online. I spent Saturday biking around a nature reserve and saw about 100 swans chilling in the Baltic Sea, weird! Other news, I was able to book a train reservation up to northern Sweden (Abisko nat'l park specifically) and will be above the arctic circle in less than a week. Work is going well and I am trying to figure out where I will be staying when we aren't on the road anymore in about 2 weeks. Thinking about crashing with Frank's daughter Elin who is doing a PhD at Göteborg University, we'll see. Gotta go, all is well here other than extremely limited Internet access!!! Miss you all, keep the e-mails coming!

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