Thursday, May 24, 2007

Post-graduation Update

Hey all. Since I just graduated and don't leave for Belize for another week I'm taking some time to set up this blog. I plan to use this to keep people in the loop whenever I'm abroad and have internet access. Please post questions or comments if you think other people that know me might want to read them (or my response.)

I want to thank everyone who helped me celebrate my graduation. I went all out and walked for the UW ceremony in the Kohl Center on May 20 and now I'm done!

I am fortunate enough to get to go on some amazing trips this summer starting things off in Belize from June 2 to June 17. Mom and I will be going to Belize as members of a service learning trip through Madison Area Technical College and will be doing rapid ecological assessments in the tropical forests down there with a chance to visit the Mayan ruins and coral reef.

My other big trip this summer will be working in Sweden. I will be collecting oak regeneration data at 25 sites across southern Sweden and be based in Gothenburg/Göteborg ( for weekends. I just bought my ticket and will fly into Stockholm on July 12 and back out on September 10. One of the reasons that I am so interested in Scandinavia is their social systems and they already appear to be working in my favor as I will have a number of days off and hope to get a chance to travel across Scandinavia in addition to getting to know Göteborg.

As things stand, I plan to begin my service as a Peace Corps volunteer at the end of September. I have been recommended for a forestry position in Latin America and should hear what country I'll be in and learn more about what I'll be doing in about a month.

Ok, next time I post there should actually be something interesting to share, not just catch-up!