Yes, I finally know where I will be for the next 2+ years, and I will be in Paraguay. I just accepted a Peace Corps position working in agroforestry extension. I will be leaving for staging in the US on the 25th of September and arriving in Paraguay on the 28th! I am very excited and think that this assignment will be a great fit for me.
I will be learning both Spanish and the indigenous language Guarani though I will likely use Guarani more. I won't learn exactly where in Paraguay I will be located until I have been in Paraguay for a month or two but I will likely be in a village of 20-80 homes that may or may not have electricity but will most likely not have running water. The first three months that I am in Paraguay will be language, health, cultural, and technical training. All of the other volunteers arriving in Paraguay at the same time as I do will go through this training together in Guarambare (about an hour outside the capital city Asuncion). During my training and the first two months after I will be living with a host family and can choose to remain with a host family for the remainder of my time (something encouraged for volunteers in general and females in particular.)
My project will involve integrating trees into the agricultural landscape. For example, using trees as windbreaks, nitrogen sources, erosion control, or fruit production. I will likely be involved in nursery work, too.
I hope to do a ton of traveling around South America so let me know if you plan/want/hope to visit the continent sometime from April 2008-September 2009 or after I'm done in December 2009 (when I will be available to travel.) I'm already scheming on a Machu Pichu trip with my roommates Nicole, Jess, and Johanna in the end of 2008's summer.
hey!! just saw your comment on my page. congratulations with your placement in paraguay!!
if you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me. i have regular access to internet, so hopefully i wont be too slow with my responses!!
good luck with everything, and cant wait to meet you!!
Thanks for writing to me, it is really exciting to hear from someone in the Peace Corps in Paraguay now! Ironically, I haven't been been able to respond to your message before this because I have been having a rather difficult time finding Internet access in Sweden where I am working this summer.
As of now I can't think of any good, specific questions, but I appreciate your offer to answer them.
Ta det lungt! (take it easy)
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