I am officially moved into my very own house down here in PY! My community has been very understanding about my desire to live alone and last Saturday I had eight Paraguayans cutting the grass in my yard with machetes! I am living in plain sight of three other houses and LOVE all of my neighbors. I have use of one room for my bedroom, a hallway, and more ¨rustic¨ back room. I have electricity and the house is brick with a tin roof insulated with straw. I share a well with one other family but have my own latrine. People have been great about helping me to get everything that I need for my house and helping me set up; I´m borrowing a bed and mattress, chairs, and a little table and have been given sheets, silverware, a cooking pot, and dish towels. I plan to buy and electric burner here in Asuncion this weekend for cooking and have started the search for a used refridgerator but know that I may not find one in my price range for quite some time (if ever). I feel very safe in my house and have had tons of people visit me there- I finally am starting to feel like a ¨real¨ Peace Corps Volunteer.
Work has actually been keeping me really busy lately! I will be buying seeds later today here in Asuncion for pretty much my whole community and spend a good part of next week distributing them and teaching about planting in seed boxes to transplant later. School will start up here soon and I hope to do some work in the local schools.
I got two months worth of mail when my boss visited last week and want to thank everyone back home for keeping me in touch. As I settle in I promise to work more letter writing into my new schedule!
Work has actually been keeping me really busy lately! I will be buying seeds later today here in Asuncion for pretty much my whole community and spend a good part of next week distributing them and teaching about planting in seed boxes to transplant later. School will start up here soon and I hope to do some work in the local schools.
I got two months worth of mail when my boss visited last week and want to thank everyone back home for keeping me in touch. As I settle in I promise to work more letter writing into my new schedule!